Loading Time: Base Classes | 9 ms |
Controller Execution Time ( Users / Forgot Password ) | 3 ms |
Total Execution Time | 12 ms |
0.0005 | SELECT * FROM build_settingsSpeed: 0.0005 - Possible keys: - Key Used: - Type: ALL - Rows: 37 - Extra: |
0.0005 | Total Query Execution Time |
session_id | e9930794cde7acefe216be574a09c8d1 |
ip_address | |
user_agent | CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) |
last_activity | 1739954506 |
user_data |
No GET data exists |
No POST data exists |
users/forgot_password |
users/forgot_password |
HTTP_ACCEPT | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 |
HTTP_USER_AGENT | CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) |
SERVER_PORT | 9080 |
SERVER_SOFTWARE | nginx/1.10.3 |
SCRIPT_NAME | /index.php |
base_url | https://webapp.transflowtms.com |
index_page | |
uri_protocol | REQUEST_URI |
url_suffix | |
language | english |
charset | UTF-8 |
enable_hooks | |
subclass_prefix | MY_ |
permitted_uri_chars | +=\a-z 0-9~%.:_- |
allow_get_array | 1 |
enable_query_strings | |
controller_trigger | c |
function_trigger | m |
directory_trigger | d |
log_threshold | 0 |
log_path | application/logs/ |
log_date_format | Y-m-d H:i:s |
cache_path | application/cache/ |
encryption_key | a7f3de2a96dde549adf24f7f697567fa |
sess_cookie_name | ci_session |
sess_expiration | 7200 |
sess_expire_on_close | |
sess_encrypt_cookie | |
sess_use_database | |
sess_table_name | ci_sessions |
sess_match_ip | |
sess_match_useragent | 1 |
sess_time_to_update | 300 |
cookie_prefix | |
cookie_domain | |
cookie_path | / |
cookie_secure | |
global_xss_filtering | |
csrf_protection | |
csrf_token_name | csrf_test_name |
csrf_cookie_name | csrf_cookie_name |
csrf_expire | 7200 |
compress_output | |
time_reference | local |
rewrite_short_tags | |
proxy_ips | |
site.default_user_timezone | UM8 |
site.backup_folder | archives/ |
contexts | Array ( [0] => dashboard [1] => messagecentral [2] => settings [3] => developer ) |
enable_activity_logging | 1 |
template.site_path | /var/www/html/ |
template.theme_paths | Array ( [0] => themes ) |
template.default_layout | index |
template.ajax_layout | ajax |
template.use_mobile_themes | |
template.default_theme | default/ |
template.admin_theme | admin |
template.parse_views | |
template.message_template | <div class="alert alert-block alert-{type} fade in notification"> <a data-dismiss="alert" class="close" href="#">&times;</a> <div>{message}</div> </div> |
template.breadcrumb_symbol | > |
assets.base_folder | assets |
assets.asset_folders | Array ( [css] => css [js] => js [image] => images ) |
assets.js_opener | $(document).ready(function(){ |
assets.js_closer | }); |
assets.js_combine | |
assets.css_combine | |
assets.encrypt_name | |
assets.js_minify | |
assets.css_minify | |
assets.encode | |
ui.current_shortcuts | Array ( [form_save] => Array ( [description] => Save any form in the admin area. [action] => $("input[name=save]").click();return false; ) [create_new] => Array ( [description] => Create a new record in the module. [action] => window.location.href=$("a#create_new").attr("href"); ) [select_all] => Array ( [description] => Select all records in an index page. [action] => $("table input[type=checkbox]").click();return false; ) [delete] => Array ( [description] => Delete the record(s). [action] => $("#delete-me.btn-danger").click(); ) [module_index] => Array ( [description] => Return to the index of the current module. [action] => window.location.href=$("a#list").attr("href"); ) [goto_dashboard] => Array ( [description] => Jump to the Content context. [action] => window.location.href=$("#tb_content").attr("href") ) [goto_messagecentral] => Array ( [description] => Jump to the Reports context. [action] => window.location.href=$("#tb_reports").attr("href") ) [goto_settings] => Array ( [description] => Jump to the Settings context. [action] => window.location.href=$("#tb_settings").attr("href") ) [goto_developer] => Array ( [description] => Jump to the Developer context. [action] => window.location.href=$("#tb_developer").attr("href") ) ) |
emailer.write_to_file | |
migrate.auto_core | |
migrate.auto_app |
application.php application/config/application.php |
autoload.php application/config/autoload.php |
config.php application/config/config.php |
constants.php application/config/constants.php |
database.php application/config/database.php |
events.php application/config/events.php |
mimes.php application/config/mimes.php |
profiler.php application/config/profiler.php |
routes.php application/config/routes.php |
user_agents.php application/config/user_agents.php |
Base_Controller.php application/core/Base_Controller.php |
Benchmark.php application/core/Benchmark.php |
Config.php application/core/Config.php |
Exceptions.php application/core/Exceptions.php |
Front_Controller.php application/core/Front_Controller.php |
Hooks.php application/core/Hooks.php |
Input.php application/core/Input.php |
Lang.php application/core/Lang.php |
Loader.php application/core/Loader.php |
MY_Lang.php application/core/MY_Lang.php |
MY_Loader.php application/core/MY_Loader.php |
MY_Model.php application/core/MY_Model.php |
MY_Router.php application/core/MY_Router.php |
MY_Security.php application/core/MY_Security.php |
Model.php application/core/Model.php |
Output.php application/core/Output.php |
Router.php application/core/Router.php |
Security.php application/core/Security.php |
URI.php application/core/URI.php |
Utf8.php application/core/Utf8.php |
MY_form_helper.php application/helpers/MY_form_helper.php |
application_helper.php application/helpers/application_helper.php |
config_file_helper.php application/helpers/config_file_helper.php |
application_lang.php application/language/english/application_lang.php |
Console.php application/libraries/Console.php |
MY_Form_validation.php application/libraries/MY_Form_validation.php |
Profiler.php application/libraries/Profiler.php |
assets.php application/libraries/assets.php |
auth.php application/libraries/auth.php |
events.php application/libraries/events.php |
settings_lib.php application/libraries/settings_lib.php |
template.php application/libraries/template.php |
settings_model.php application/models/settings_model.php |
users.php application/modules/users/controllers/users.php |
users_lang.php application/modules/users/language/english/users_lang.php |
user_model.php application/modules/users/models/user_model.php |
forgot_password.php application/modules/users/views/users/forgot_password.php |
Base.php application/third_party/MX/Base.php |
Config.php application/third_party/MX/Config.php |
Controller.php application/third_party/MX/Controller.php |
Lang.php application/third_party/MX/Lang.php |
Loader.php application/third_party/MX/Loader.php |
Modules.php application/third_party/MX/Modules.php |
Router.php application/third_party/MX/Router.php |
index.php index.php |
CodeIgniter.php system/core/CodeIgniter.php |
Common.php system/core/Common.php |
Controller.php system/core/Controller.php |
DB.php system/database/DB.php |
DB_active_rec.php system/database/DB_active_rec.php |
DB_driver.php system/database/DB_driver.php |
DB_result.php system/database/DB_result.php |
pdo_driver.php system/database/drivers/pdo/pdo_driver.php |
pdo_result.php system/database/drivers/pdo/pdo_result.php |
cookie_helper.php system/helpers/cookie_helper.php |
directory_helper.php system/helpers/directory_helper.php |
form_helper.php system/helpers/form_helper.php |
language_helper.php system/helpers/language_helper.php |
string_helper.php system/helpers/string_helper.php |
url_helper.php system/helpers/url_helper.php |
profiler_lang.php system/language/english/profiler_lang.php |
Cache.php system/libraries/Cache/Cache.php |
Driver.php system/libraries/Driver.php |
Form_validation.php system/libraries/Form_validation.php |
Session.php system/libraries/Session.php |
User_agent.php system/libraries/User_agent.php |
_footer.php themes/default/_footer.php |
_header.php themes/default/_header.php |
_sitenav.php themes/default/_sitenav.php |
index.php themes/default/index.php |